Choosing Metal Or Nonmetal Options For Pipe Installation And Replacement

Home » Choosing Metal Or Nonmetal Options For Pipe Installation And Replacement

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The right pipe material for installation or replacement is a critical choice. You have to consider the durability, cost efficiency, performance, and suitability of these pipes. An expert plumber in West Columbia, SC will also play a key role in the professional installation of these pipes. They can also impart some insights into this situation.

Metal or Non Metal options for pipe installation and replacement

Pipe Options: Metal

The type of plumbing material you choose impacts maintenance requirements and lifespan.

Copper pipes are premium piping choices. They are long-lasting and very durable, suitable for water lines. Copper also has anti-bacterial properties.

Stainless steel offers superior durability and resistance to high temperatures. They also have immense tensile strength against external impacts.

Metal pipes are more expensive and difficult to install. They can also be prone to corrosion in many instances, depending on water quality. Working with an expert plumbing company can make all the difference when deciding between metal or nonmetal options.

Nonmetal Pipe Options

Nonmetal pipes are lightweight, cost-effective, resistant to corrosion, and easy to install. They are also the best options for water and sewer lines for these reasons.

PVC or polyvinyl chloride is a popular nonmetal option for residential use for its cheaper price but durability. It is slightly flexible, offering excellent strength for water and sewer lines. However, it cannot handle hot water and can deform it in time. Its variation CPVC or chlorinated polyvinyl chloride can handle both hot and cold water and has the same features.

PEX have the same features, but must not receive exposure to sunlight and UV rays. They quickly disintegrate and break down and soon experience damage.

A licensed plumber can help you select the right material for long-term reliability. They also guarantee the materials meet local codes and have correct installation to avoid future problems.

These choices will address your new pipes whether they are for water or sewer lines. But you need experts to install them correctly, and in the future, maintain, repair, or replace them. This is where Franklin Plumbing and Drain Cleaning comes in as the top local plumbing specialists you can trust. Call us today.

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